Rush Limbaugh: 'We Need to Quarantine Chris Christie'

Rush Limbaugh: 'We Need to Quarantine Chris Christie'

At the top of his Monday radio broadcast, conservative talk show Rush Limbaugh pointed out the timing of Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) involving himself in a “national crisis,” which in this case is the Ebola outbreak.

According to Limbaugh, much like his infamous hug moment with President Barack Obama in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, his decision to relax an Ebola quarantine also comes just days before a national election.

“So one week before the election, we have here a bunch of states that are deciding to do their own quarantine and the regime is flipping out,” Limbaugh said. “Obama and his gang are flipping out. They want to be in total control of the quarantine. And so one week before the election, once again New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has caved and is seen as – we need to quarantine Chris Christie, is what need to happen here, folks.”

“This is the second election in a row,” Limbaugh continued. “One week prior to an election, the governor of New Jersey ends up, oh I don’t know – arm and arm, hand and hand, in bed with – I don’t know how to characterize it, but responding to Obama’s demands. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but this – I think the Republicans ought to make sure Chris Christie from now on, once we get to a week before an election. We need to find a way here – in the middle here, taking center stage of another national crisis, another Obama hug moment and Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo doing the same thing. But that kind of makes sense because Gov. Cuomo and Obama are in the same party.”

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